



郭放,博士(后),研究员,博士生导师。2007年博士毕业于英国卡迪夫大学化学院,从师于特聘教授kenneth d.m. harris先生。毕业后留任卡迪夫大学,任助理研究员。2008年12月作为引进人才到辽宁大学工作,2009年8月由辽宁省人事厅评审为研究员。2011年受聘辽宁大学化学院首批博士生导师。近年来主要从事固体化学与超分子结构化学的研究。迄今,先后在国际公认的化学类权威期刊如j. am. chem. soc., chem. commun., inorg.chem., cryst. growth des.,j. phys. chem. c,dalton. trans.,j.mater.chem. c, acs appl.mater.interfacs,crystengcomm,等发表论文80余篇。多次获得辽宁省优秀论文学术成果奖。授权国家发明专利4项。获得辽宁省科学技术奖二等奖1项。先后获得辽宁大学辽河学者、辽宁省高等学校优秀青年学者、沈阳市领军人才等称号。






1997/07-2000/07, 北京协和医科大学、中国医学科学院,药物研究所







5.辽宁省高等学校优秀人才支持计划资助项目(no. ljq2011003),12万,2012.1-2014.12,主持


7.宁省创新人才项目, 10万元,2019.01-2021.12,主持


1. haitao li, fang guo* (郭放), meng kou, antoninofamulari, qiang fu, and javier marti-rujas*,gas-solid chemisorption/adsorption and mechanochemical selectivity in dynamic nonporous hybrid metal organic materials, inorganic chemistry, 2017, 56, 6584−6590.

2. hong-yu guan, zhen wang, antoninofamulari, xu wang, fang guo* (郭放), javier martí-rujas*, synthesis of chelating complexes through solid-state dehydrochlorination reactions via second-sphere-coordination interaction with metal chlorides: a combined experimental−molecular modeling study, inorganic chemistry, 2014, 53, 7438−7445.

3. fang guo* (郭放), zhen wang, jin-jing zhang, antoninofamulari, hai-tao li, javier martí-rujas*, insights into the electron-donating and withdrawing effect of the functional groups on mechanochemicaldehydrochlorination reactions, dalton transaction, 2017, 46, 9466-9471.

4. fang guo (郭放), javier martí-rujas, second sphere coordination of hybrid metal-organic materials: solid state reactivity, dalton transaction, 2016, 45, 13648-13662.(综述)

5. hong-liang liu, yi-feixie, zhi-gang pan, antoninofamulari, fang guo* (郭放), zhongfu zhou, and javier martí-rujas*, cyclic interconversion among molecular salts via neat grinding and related photoluminescence properties, crystal growth & design, 2014, 14, 6528−6536.

6. fang guo* (郭放), xu wang, hong-yu guan, hai-bin yu, lei li, shan-shan chen, antoninofamulari, javier martí-rujas*, tuning the inclusion properties and solid-state reactivity of second sphere adducts using conformationally flexible bidentate ligands, crystal growth & design, 2015, 15, 2842-2852.

7. qingli lin, bin song, hongzhe wang, fengjuan zhang, fei chen, lei wang, lin song li, fang guo*(郭放), huaibinshen*, high-efficiency deep-red quantum-dot light-emitting diodes with type-ii cdse/cdte core/shell quantum dots as emissive layers, journal of material chemistry c, 2016, 4, 7223-7229.

8. qingli lin, fei chen, hongzhe, wang, huaibinshen*, aqiang wang, lei wang, fengjuan, zhang, fang guo*(郭放), lin song li*, influence of ambient gas on the performance of quantum-dot light-emitting diodes, acs applied materials & interfaces, 2016, 8(18),11557-11563.

9. hong-cui yu, lei li, jigao, jian tong, wenxuzheng, massimo cametti, antoninofamulari, stefano valdo meille, fang guo* (郭放), javier martí-rujas, insights into the formation of chiral second sphere coordination complexes with aromatic tris-amines: combined single crystal x-ray crystallography and molecular modeling analyses, dalton transaction, 2015, 44, 15960–15965.

10. fang guo* (郭放), hui-de shao, qi yang, antoninofamularib, javier martí-rujas, mechanochemicaldehydrochlorination and chelation reaction in the solid state: from a molecular salt to a coordination complex, crystengcomm,2014, 16, 969-973 (封面, 热点文章)

11. fang guo (郭放), javier martí-rujas, zhigang pan, kenneth d.m. harris*, direct structural understanding of a topochemical solid state photopolymerization reaction, journal ofphysicalchemistry c, 2008, 112, 19793.

12. fang guo (郭放), meritxellcasadesus, eugene y. cheung, michael p. coogan, kenneth d. m. harris*, on the spontaneous induction of chirality in the preparation of werner’s complex cis-[cobr(nh3) (en)2]br2,chemical communications, 2006, 1854-1856.

13. fang guo (郭放), kenneth d. m. harris*, structural understanding of a molecular material that is accessed only by a solid-state desolvation process: the scope of modern powder x-ray diffraction techniques, journal of the american chemical society, 2005, 127, 7314-731
