







1. 有机磷光材料

2. 多刺激响应性发光材料

3. 含氟发光材料

4. 自由基发光材料

 科研兴趣集中在新反应、新材料的开发及新概念的建立。主要从事可见光催化及有机发光材料的研究。在j. am. chem. soc.angew. chem. int. ed. chem. commun.; org. lett. chem. mater. ; j. mater. chem.macromolecules ; app. phys. lett.adv. synth. catal.等国际著名期刊上发表sci检索论文70余篇; 主持国家自然科学基金面上项目 3 项,省级项目2项;发明专利1项。2011年,入选教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”。



    2002.12 中国科学院长春应用化学研究所,获理学博士学位

    2003.4—2005.4 日本早稻田大学应用化学系,博士后(jsps奖学金资助)

    2007.2—2008.1 加拿大国家研究院化学加工与环境技术研究所,访问学者(加拿大nserc奖学金资助)

    2005.5—2016.8 东北师范大学化学学院,副教授、教授,博士生导师

    2016.8—现在 辽宁大学化学院,教授 博士生导师



1.        吸电子基活化(杂)环丙烷的串联反应研究;国家自然科学基金委;面上项目;80 万元;时间:2014-01-2017-12,主持。

2.        有机分子功能化金属酞菁的合成与光伏性能;国家自然科学基金委;面上项目;60万元;时间:2012-01-2015-12,主持。

3.        基于双活化环丙烷的三组分反应合成全取代吡啶酮的新方法;国家自然科学基金委;面上项目;32 万元;时间:2010-01-2012-12,主持。



1) utilizing d-pπ bond for ultralong organic phosphorescence, shuai tian, hui-li ma, fushun liang,* zhong-min su,* zhongfu an,* wei huang, et al., angew. chem. int. ed., 2019, 58, 6645-6649.(该工作被x-mol, materialsviews china等在线报道)

2) visible-light-promoted [5 1] annulation initiated by electron-donor−acceptor complexes: synthesis of perfluoroalkyl-s-triazines rui wang, lili wang, qin xu, bao-yi ren,* and fushun liang,* org. lett., 2019, 21, 3072−3076.(该工作被chembeango化学学术资讯平台报道)

3) aza-tricycles containing a perfluoroalkyl group: synthesis, structure and fluorescenceqiang fu, rui wang, fushun liang,* and wei guan*, org. biomol. chem., 2018, 16, 8950–8954

4) t-buona-mediated direct c–h halogenation of electron-deficient (hetero)arenes xia liu, xin zhao, fushun liang,* and baoyi ren*, org. biomol. chem., 2018, 16, 886–890.

5) ambient light-induced three-component annulation: efficient synthesis of perfluoroalkylated pyrimidines, rui wang, fushun liang,* xihe bi*, hiroyuki nishide, et al., org. lett., 2017, 19, 2358−2361.

6) visible-light-mediated oxidative dimerization of arylalkynes in the open air: stereoselective synthesis of (z)-1,4-enediones,donglei wei, fushun liang,* org. lett., 2016, 18, 5860−5863.

7) photoredox-catalyzed dimerization of arylalkenes via an oxidative [4 2] cycloaddition sequence: synthesis of naphthalene derivatives, donglei wei, yanru li, fushun liang,* adv. synth. catal. 2016, 358, 3887–3896.

8) one-pot, two-step conversion of alkynes to alpha,alpha-amino (alpha,alpha-diamino) ketones with a dmf-activated n-bromoimide strategy, mengru li, luyan zhang, baozhong zhao, fushun liang,* rsc adv., 2016, 6, 93325–93329

9) with dbu-activated n-bromophthalimide as potential n-sources to achieve p-n cross-coupling of p(o)-h compounds, yueju li, fushun liang,* tetrahedron lett., 2016, 57, 2931–2934.

10) direct alpha-amination of nitrones achieved by dbu-activated n-haloimides, mengru li, fushun liang,* tetrahedron lett., 2016, 57, 3823–3826.

