




孙晓东,博士,助理研究员。2019年6月毕业于吉林大学。主要从事配位化学、材料化学和催化化学的交叉性研究工作,特别在基于金属有机框架(mofs)的晶态多孔功能材料的设计、合成与催化功能探索等方面开展了系统的研究工作,以第一作者在adv. funct. mater.、j. mater. chem. a、inorg. chem.等期刊上发表sci论文7篇。


2010.9-2014.6 兰州大学,理学学士

2014.9-2019.6 吉林大学,理学博士




1)sun xiaodong, ma tianyi*, wang lianzhou*, et al. thin-layered photocatalysts, advanced functional materials2020, 1910005.

2)sun xiaodong, liu yunling*, et al. a multifunctional double walled zirconium metal-organic framework: high performance of co2 adsorption and separation, detecting explosives in aqueous phase, journal of materials chemistry a2020, doi:

3)sun xiaodong, liu chunming*, liu yunling*, et al. an ultrastable zr-mof for fast capture and highly luminescence detection of cr2o72- simultaneously in an aqueous phase, journal of materials chemistry a2018, 6, 6363-6369.

4)sun xiaodong, ma tianyi*, et al. ligand functionalization in zirconium-based metal-organic frameworks for enhanced carbon dioxide fixation, advanced systainable systems, 2020, 2000098.

5)sun xiaodong, liu yunling*, et al. a stable mesoporous zr-based metal organic framework for highly efficient co2 conversion, inorganic chemistry, 2019, 58, 7480-7487.

6)sun xiaodong, zhang lirong *, liu yunling*, et al. a flexible doubly interpenetrated metal-organic framework with breathing behavior and tunable gate opening effect by introducing co2 into zn4o clusters, inorganic chemistry, 2017, 56, 6645-6651.

7)sun xiaodong, zhang lirong* and liu yunling*, et al. tuning the gate opening pressure of a flexible doubly interpenetrated metal-organic framework through ligand functionalization, dalton transactions.2018, 47, 13158-13163.

