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there are 90 faculty members in chemistry college of liaoning university, including 25 professors, 18 associate professors, 15 doctoral supervisors, 46 master supervisors and 46 doctoral teachers. two were granted special allowances by the state council government; six were awarded the 100-person level of liaoning province's 10 million talents project; two were supported by the supporting plan for excellent scientific and technological talents of liaoning university; three were supported by the outstanding young scholars'growth plan of liaoning university; and one was awarded the famous teaching teacher of liaoning province. two innovative teams of liaoning universities have been formed, namely "green synthesis and advanced material preparation chemistry", "synthesis and application of functional aggregate materials", "green synthesis and advanced material preparation chemistry" and "rare element" two key laboratories in liaoning province.

the college has three undergraduate majors: chemistry, applied chemistry and material chemistry. "organic chemistry", "analytical chemistry" and "chemical principles" are three provincial-level top-quality courses, while "inorganic chemistry", "physical chemistry", "structural chemistry" and "instrumental analysis" are four school-level top-quality courses. in recent years, it has won three provincial education and teaching reform projects and four provincial teaching achievement awards.

the college has seven master's degree authorization points in secondary disciplines, namely, first-level chemistry (science), organic chemistry (science), physical chemistry (science), analytical chemistry (science), polymer chemistry and physics (science), applied chemistry (engineering), engineering master's degree in chemical engineering, and doctoral degree authorization points in first-level chemistry and inorganic chemistry, physical chemistry (science), analytical chemistry (science), macromolecule chemistry and physics (science), applied chemistry (engineering), and chemical engineering master's degree authorization points. organic chemistry, physical chemistry, analytical chemistry, polymer chemistry and physics are five doctoral degree authorization points of secondary disciplines.

inorganic chemistry is the key discipline of liaoning province, and chemistry is the national key construction discipline of "211 project", "ninth five-year plan phase i", "tenth five-year plan phase ii" and "eleventh five-year plan phase iii" of liaoning university. a total of nearly 30 million yuan has been spent on the key disciplines of "211 project" of liaoning university. solution thermodynamics, coordination chemistry and the study of rare elements are the traditional dominant areas of this discipline. the research on rare elements has involved ionic liquids, synthesis of coordination polymers, organic catalysis, nanomaterials, enrichment and separation of elements, etc. solvent extraction thermodynamics research was awarded the second prize for scientific and technological progress by the state education commission, and was edited by the national natural science foundation committee under the auspices of inorganic chemistry and progress of coordination chemistry. he has been awarded more than ten scientific and technological awards by liaoning provincial government.
